Sunday, June 05, 2005

Training Maxims

Just home from vacation in Italy with my family...had a great time...but am gearing up for final exams. So I found these karate training maxims from my old dojo. Hohan Soken was the grandmaster before the current one, and he wrote these for his students. They are really applicable to anything that requires work, not just karate.

1. Always act in a courteous manner.

2. During training, concentrate to the limit of your mental endurance. Give your all mentally and physically as training without concentration prevents advancement.

3. The physical and mental training of Karate should be combined as one. The heart, mind, and body should be in unison at all times.

4. Heed the advice of your teacher and of more advanced students of other schools' listen to and never forget their advice.

5. Listening and watching are key points to advancement.

6. In order to advance, on must strive to obtain the true spirit of Karate.

7. Training is on a continuous basis, and one learns a little at a time. Do not take breaks in training as it will result in a step backwards.

8. Always strive for advancement and when advanced, one must not brag or boast.

9. Self-praise and over-confidence is a sickness that corrupts training.

10. Refrain from over-eating, drinking, and smoking, for these bad habits hinder the effectiveness of your training.

11. Karate training has no limits. Step by step, study by study, and one day in the future you will undoubtedly enter the temple of the Shaolin.

Hohan Soken (1889-1982)

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