Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday prayer and further thoughts

For the longest time I wondered why they call this "Good" Friday. Jesus died today- how could it be good? Man killed the Son of God- who was completely innocent! There is no justice in there, and apparently no mercy and love from a parent.

But then I figured something out, with the guidance of some of the people in my life. There IS justice there, and there IS love and mercy. It's simply different than what we would expect. The justice, love, and mercy benefit US. Jesus had to die to make them happen. The justice of God would have meant that man, who had sinned, must die. But God's mercy and love denied it. So He sent Jesus to take the world's sins upon Himself. We get all the benefits of Jesus' death. All we have to do is believe.

Simply put- on Good Friday, man did his worst work in the history of the world. He killed the innocent Son of God. But also on Good Friday, God did His best work. He saved mankind.

Thank You, Lord Jesus.
You suffered on the cross for our redemption; help us, if we are called to suffer, to be like You: to forgive and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit. Help us to forgive as You have forgiven us. Help us to trust You, even when hope is failing. Help us, if we are called to suffer, to take up our cross and to follow You in Your redeeming work. We remember now that every day, each path we wander, each road we travel, we journey not alone. You have already walked the road of life, and walk it again with us now. We thank You for that. We thank You for Your sacrifice for the good of all. You are our king, and we rejoice to honor you.

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