Friday, July 11, 2008

Three's a Charm

One interesting article: Stephen Hunter wrote an article for the (maybe it was in the paper edition of the Post too, I don't know) entitled "Leading Men", comparing Barack Obama and Will Smith, and John McCain and John Wayne. It's an "all the world's a stage" sort of article, doing an excellent job transforming the presidential race into the grand theater it is, with two very different actors vying for the lead role.
One depressing article: Well written and fascinating, but depressing. From Truthdig comes a column by Chris Hedges called "Surviving the Fourth of July", about how this gentleman escapes the dismal realities of our very hypocritical society in classic literature.
And one laughable (if you're a liberal) article: From Max Bergmann of The Huffington Post, "The Week That Should Have Ended McCain's Presidential Hopes." All about, as you might expect, the VERY bad week that John McCain has had-- which has been thoroughly underrepresented in the media. Our thanks to Rev. Jesse Jackson for that one.

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