How I wish it was the same in the United States...or that I could move to Spain...yeah, that sounds nice. Nice country...very nice country...hm, still have to think about doing study abroad in the future, where and when...oh yeah, and have to think about if I want to do a concentration for my major, and if so which one...so much to think about...
Anyway-- rain-- the original point of this-- I think DC weather has mood swings. On Friday it was about 80 degrees and sunny. Yesterday it was about 70-80 degrees and sunny. Last night it suddenly decided that it was a good idea to drop the temperature to 60 degrees and cloudy/rainy. It was thunderstorming last night when I was walking back from the concert. That was exciting. Just cloudy today, but pretty cold. Not great weather for the UC End-of-Year Party outside in the amphitheater. Didn't stop a lot of people from coming out though. Free cotton candy, free nachos from Qdoba, free caricatures...fun stuff. Also had a nice chance to talk to Prof PTJ, the head of the General Education program here, and therefore the head of UC. He told my friends and I about some of the intricacies of scheduling, residency difficulties, etc. Oh, the joys of bureaucracy. Seems like AU took some lessons from the federal government as far as ridiculous bureaucratic measures go. I did find it funny how AU is getting grief from our neighbors about the WWI-era chemical weapons buried in one of our sports fields.
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