Monday, February 21, 2005

Funny story from Quiz Bowl last Saturday

Okay, so we're on the bus on the way back from the meet, and we decide to stop at Burger King. We go in, get our food, eat, and come back out and get on the bus. Then Kevin for some reason wants to get everyone's attention, so he goes, "Boys!" Then he realizes that I'm there (the only girl along on that particular day) and he amends his statement to, "Boys and Carolyn!" Then John, the only freshman along, and also a friend of mine, says, "Oh, you can just leave it at 'boys'." (John and I have kind of a teasing friendship/rivalry/whatever you want to call it.) I said, "Can I deck him for that?" and Steve said, "You HAVE to deck him for that!" And Kevin (still trying to get our attention) gave John the verbal beatdown, saying, "Boys, Carolyn, and freshman!"

I don't think Kevin ever got the chance to say what it was he wanted to say. And if he did, I was laughing so hard I can't remember what it was.


Anonymous said...

hey carolyn...
just thought i'd beat down on something
from your bk funny thoughts (or watever, im 2 lazy to look again)

"(John and I have kind of a teasing friendship/rivalry/whatever you want to call it.)"

ya kno, that hurts. It really does

*snickers at the thought that carolyn might accually think joker means it*

thought id ad some variety to ur blog (no one ever coments)

Later ,

Carolyn C. said...

Thanks, "Joker". It means SO much to hear your positive comments.
Keep commenting, though!